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About Me

I’m Lucy, and reside in cold and beautiful England. I’m a neuroscientist and am highly experienced in the realm of mental health. Deciphering human emotions fascinates and enlivens me. We all experience reality so distinctly; while some of us live relatively stable existences, others are capable of profoundly intense, expansive and, at times, highly chaotic emotional states.

While my innate motivation to analyse such psychological states has pushed me towards research, I always find myself returning to my keyboard and writing. I am delighted to say that I have helped thousands of people overcome the most tenacious of mental afflictions, with my main area of interest being limerence.

If you are prone to obsessive love, I want you to know (and assimilate on a deep level) that you CAN rewire your subconscious mind and become permanently immune. This will require commitment and strength, but is entirely within your reach, regardless of how ingrained your pain currently feels.

It never is ingrained – that is an illusion.

Moreover, your brain is antifragile by nature; in other words, it is a system that can not only tolerate stressors like unrequited love, but which actively improves and becomes stronger as a result of enduring them. If you are willing to adopt new thinking patterns and attitudes, you will not only permanently overcome limerence – you will also step into an energised, abundant, harmonious version of yourself that will be significantly more aligned with your goals, dream life and true nature.

These aren’t empty words; limerence is both your biggest challenge, and your biggest blessing… for it catalyses growth unlike anything else I have encountered.

Check out how to best approach your limerence recovery here.