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99 Highly Unique, Potent Affirmations to Aid Limerence Recovery

I have spent weeks meticulously designing these affirmations, which are highly specific to limerence and guaranteed to powerfully influence and impress your subconscious mind.

Achieving complete subconscious mind reconfiguration is critical if you want to align with a new, blissful, limerence-immune version of yourself. i.e. a version of yourself that cannot crave a limerent object (LO), or fall for anyone in this obsessive way ever again. This constitutes real emotional freedom and should be every limerent’s goal; I can assure you that achieving it is well within your reach, regardless of your current state.

Click here to check out the affirmations, as well as how to implement them to ensure that they are assimilated by your most primitive emotional brain regions.

One Comment

  1. Jeremy Scholz Jeremy Scholz

    Hi Lucy-

    I’m writing to thank you for your work on the topic of limerance, it has helped me immensely!

    I have been a lifelong, unknowing limerant. Recently, I underwent a particularly painful and potent experience, having an LO who was a non-genetically related family member. Fortunately for me, my experience has not permanently damaged the real relationships in my life, and has brought me to your book: The Limerent Mind.

    What an amazing instruction manual you provide! I feel in control of my emotions, and am learning to channel my energy with an intention I never believed possible. My journey has only just begun, and I thank you for helping me on my way.


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