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Category: Psychology

The Enormous Power of Reprogramming Your Limerent Mind

The foolproof way to alter the beliefs and assumptions you subscribe to is to communicate with your subconscious mind when it is most receptive. Right before you fall asleep, you are certain to catch your prime window of Alpha brain wave activity (8-12 Hz). In this state of relaxed wakefulness, your brain is extremely impressionable. Anything that you feel to be real during this time is taken by your brain as objective reality. This will induce the formation of new neural pathways and, consequentially, new stances towards yourself, others, romance and life.


A Surprise For Those of You With Dissociative Anxiety (DPDR)…

I am delighted to announce the release of my newest book, Exit The Dream. As with limerence, chronic depersonalization and derealization (known as DPDR) is a psychological condition of immense interest to me. After triggering feelings of unreality following a severe panic attack as a teenager, I suffered from a…

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Can We Blame Limerence On Our Limerent Objects?

Blaming someone’s poor emotional boundaries for the generation of your limerence is counterproductive and inaccurate. This is for two reasons: a). the fact that you will never overcome this LO if you fixate on them on any way, and b). the fact that aligning with a toxic LO and falling for them is impossible, and I repeat impossible, if you are not carrying around problematic beliefs imprinted in your subconscious.

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Fascinating Research On Limerence and MBTI Personality Types

I asked readers to respond to my anonymous poll and provide me with their MBTI personality type. The results so far, at 2409 entries, are striking; the representation of certain personality types is far, far greater than what would be expected from the general population. In this article, I will provide you with the statistics and tackle why and how these certain types are more prone to infatuation and limerence than others.

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