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NeuroSparkle Posts

Rise Above Limerence: Think Logically and in Terms of Value

As you will be familiar, the emotions of obsessive lovesickness muddy your perception of the world unlike anything else. Most limerents are very rational and independent in most areas of their life. But, this logic and reason goes out of the window when it comes to their limerent object (LO),…


When Analysing Your LO, Ask Yourself “What Does This Say About Me?”

Limerence is a mind-bending condition that unleashes an array of obsessional emotions, motivations and behaviours in you. Of course, first and foremost, it drives you to analyse every last thing about your LO. You’ll find yourself incredibly interested in your LO’s life, personal relationships, pastimes, vices, and innermost thoughts.

You’ll catch yourself hanging onto their every last word, dissecting everything they say as if they’re imparting the most valuable information in the world.

But, this isn’t ‘innocent curiosity’ – it’s a destructive symptom of limerence, and is incidental to your desire for complete enmeshment with your LO. It’s keeping you trapped.

Here’s how to deal with (and rise above) your ‘fascination’ with your LO, and their personality quirks and life.